Tuesday, June 26, 2007

In Good Company

So it's been almost a solid two weeks now at HBA, and let's just say when previous Light Fellows tell you the workload is a lot, they mean it! I'm getting about a solid 5-6 hours of a sleep a night after trying to memorize all the vocab words and doing the homework. Nonetheless, it's a work hard-play hard environment, much like how Yale typically is. Friday was both heaven and hell: we had our first zhou kao (weekly test) but no afternoon class, and our xiaoban teachers also took us out for lunch, so after a miserable thursday evening (it wasn't too bad actually...but it was pretty rough) we got to sleep on Friday before going out to explore Beijing at night.
This weekend, we went to the Great Wall and more specifically, SiMaTai. Rather than the more touristy and popular BaDaLing part of the Great Wall, SiMaTai was relatively empty and was a really enjoyable climb to the top. We had to pass 12 towers to reach the summit and although it was quite exhausting it was thoroughly mind-blowing and exhilirating. Here are some pictures from the climb:

This was at the beinning of the hike, when everone still had energy...

The Wall itself made for fantastic shots.

Uh...Yalies, go figure..

Here are a few random ones. The first is a shot of our classroom: my friend was returning my camera, and I managed to snap a shot before the teacher turned around. The second is what happens when you don't study enough for your daily quiz!!

What's going on???

Yes, it was out of 10 points...so it's really bad. But, luckily, they drop 2 of your lowest quiz scores, and I got a 10 today so it can't be too bad!

As for the weather, it's been really hot and humid the past few days and it's actually just begun thunderstorming in the past half hour and lucky for me I get to go to afternoon tutorial now, so I shall update you soon.

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