Sunday, June 3, 2007


So I guess this is my first post on blogger. 2nd semester of freshman year was pretty much a blast and it was pretty sad to see it all come to an end, but summer awaits!

I actually just got back from a Europe trip last night and am still quiet jetlagged as I went to bed at 4 but got up at 10AM. In any case, it's nice to be back home in Los Angeles, and I can't believe I am leaving again so soon, in 12 days to be exact. I really don't feel prepared for China yet as I'm still settling back down at home finally. Nonetheless, I'm still really excited to continue globetrotting, meet new people, and experience something I've never encountered before - 9 weeks without English!

I am still unpacking from Europe though, and so I guess you guys can indulge in a few pictures from my trip.

This is the Colosseum in Rome. It was probably the most remarkable thing I've ever seen and reminded me of Gladiator, one of my favorite movies.

The Trevi Fountain rakes in a lot of coins everyday but all the money goes toward charitable causes.

This was up in the Swiss Alps. We had to take 3 lifts to reach the top, and it was ridiculous to see skiers and snowboarders because it was so high.

This was in Lucerne, Switzerland. If you haven't been, you should definitely visit Switzerland. Even though they don't use Euros (which is annoying), it is probably the most beautiful country you will ever see.

Guess where this is?

This was in Monaco, a tiny (but extremely wealthy and warm-with-spectacular-views) country in France.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It's right along the Seine River and is another breathtaking attraction.

Okay, this will be the last one. I guess I am still pretty Europe-happy right now and still reliving the past two weeks vicariously through these photos. Enough of Europe though, let's switch continents...

So, Harvard-Beijing Academy 2007. I was pretty excited to get accepted into this program, because it was my top choice. I applied to two others because both the Light Fellowship directors and my Chinese teacher suggested that these programs are becoming more competitive and to keep the chances of getting into at least one program greater. LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE. I actually got waitlisted from the other two programs before getting accepted by HBA, so like college admissions, getting into a program is somewhat of a crapshoot. A small background on the application process for the Light Fellowship. It was relatively easy as you just have to fill out the application, get one letter of recommendation, and submit a resume. The only drawback is that it's due quiet early (in January) so you should be on top of your game over winter break to complete it. A quick note about the application on Word. They have gray textboxes that expand as you type your responses to the short answers, and at least for me, spellcheck didn't work for those textboxes. It wasn't until a week later that I'd realized I'd spelled "television" wrong as well as made a few grammar errors, despite my proofreading. Just be careful...

In the end, I was actually awarded the Greenberg Award rather than the Light, but they are equivalent in terms of funding. Both Kelly and Adam as Light Fellowship Coordinators have been extremely helpful in answering questions and preparing us for our trip. Now, I just have to read through all those guides and handbooks to prep myself for the few weeks to come. In any case, this should be enough for now, I'll keep you guys posted.


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